What is a Contract?
A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. For a contract to be valid, it must meet specific requirements. The parties must have the capacity to enter into the contract, the terms of the contract must be clear and agreed upon by all parties, and there must be a consideration or something of value exchanged between the parties.
What is Considered Intoxication?
Intoxication can refer to being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In the context of contract law, intoxication typically refers to being under the influence of alcohol. However, it is essential to note that being intoxicated does not automatically mean that you lacked the capacity to enter into a contract.
When is a Contract Valid?
In order for a contract to be valid, the parties must have had the capacity to enter into the contract at the time it was signed. Capacity refers to the ability to understand the terms of the contract and the consequences of entering into it. If one of the parties lacked the capacity to enter into the contract, it might be considered voidable.

Can You Cancel a Contract That You Signed While You Were Intoxicated?
If you signed a contract while intoxicated, you may be able to cancel it if you can prove that you lacked the capacity to enter into the contract at the time it was signed. However, this can be difficult to prove and will depend on the specific circumstances of your case.
In general, courts will consider several factors when determining whether a party lacked the capacity to enter into a contract due to intoxication. These factors may include the following:
- The level of intoxication: The court will consider how intoxicated the party was at the time the contract was signed. If the party was only slightly intoxicated, proving they lacked the capacity to enter into the contract may be more difficult.
- The complexity of the contract: The court will consider the complexity of the contract and whether the party had a clear understanding of the terms of the agreement.
- Whether the other party knew about the intoxication: If the other party knew that the party was intoxicated and took advantage of that fact to enter into the contract, it may be considered unconscionable and unenforceable.
- Whether the party attempted to cancel the contract: If the party attempted to cancel the contract shortly after signing it, this may be seen as evidence that they lacked the capacity to agree.
The burden of proof will be on the party seeking to cancel the contract to demonstrate that they lacked the capacity to enter into it due to intoxication. For more information on getting out of a contract read our article, How to Get Out of a Contract.
In conclusion, whether you can cancel a contract that you signed while under the influence of alcohol will depend on a number of factors. If you can demonstrate that you lacked the capacity to enter into the contract at the time it was signed, you may be able to cancel it. However, this can be difficult to prove and will depend on the specific circumstances of your case. If you have questions about a contract you signed while intoxicated, it is crucial to speak with an experienced attorney who can advise you on your options.