This article will discuss child custody laws for the state of Wisconsin and give you an overview of child custody laws in Wisconsin for 2024.
Many people have heard of community property but don’t understand how the courts treat it. Everything you acquire during the marriage that does not pass you by gift, will, or devise is considered community property. For example, if your mother passed away and left you a cottage up North in her will, that cottage is yours alone and could remain so indefinitely.
In this article we will be discussing Uncontested Divorce in Wisconsin and some of the most common questions surrounding an Uncontested Divorce. We will answer the questions of: What is an Uncontested Divorce?, What is the difference between an uncontested divorce and dissolution of marriage?, What does Uncontested Divorce mean?, How to file an Uncontested Divorce in Wisconsin?, Do I need a lawyer for an Uncontested Divorce in Wisconsin?, How long does uncontested divorce take?, What happens in an Uncontested Divorce?, Can an uncontested divorce be reversed?, and Can I get remarried after my divorce?
Oftentimes an individual who is considering getting a divorce in Wisconsin also looks at legal separation as possibility. Furthermore, there appears to be some confusion as to what being legally separated really is. Most people don’t even realize that it is a legal process and just move out of the martial home, considering themselves to be “separated,” which is also known as a “de facto separation.”
Now that you are divorced, you have decided to change your name. You can fill out and file the appropriate paperwork to have your name changed back to your maiden name if you would like. The process is relatively simple if you understand the forms, fees, and deadlines.
Specifically, we will answer the following questions: Can dating during my divorce affect custody in Wisconsin?, Can dating during divorce affect child support in Wisconsin?, and Can dating during divorce affect alimony in Wisconsin?
This article will discuss child custody laws for the state of Wisconsin and give you an overview of child custody laws in Wisconsin for 2024.
This article will discuss child custody laws for the state of Wisconsin and give you an overview of child custody laws in Wisconsin for 2024.
Many people have heard of community property but don’t understand how the courts treat it. Everything you acquire during the marriage that does not pass you by gift, will, or devise is considered community property. For example, if your mother passed away and left you a cottage up North in her will, that cottage is yours alone and could remain so indefinitely.
If you have a court order to either pay or receive child support in Wisconsin, you probably have many questions regarding how your taxes are affected. Many people wonder if child support is taxable income in Wisconsin; after all, spousal support or maintenance is taxable, so many assume that child support is taxable as well.
This article will discuss child custody laws for the state of Wisconsin and give you an overview of child custody laws in Wisconsin for 2024.
Mediation in divorce proceedings is a viable alternative to pursuing your divorce in the court. Divorce mediation in Wisconsin can be a lower cost and lower stress process where the parties are able to formulate a plan for divorce that works for them. Mediation is an attractive alternative for parties who are divorcing amicably but need some help in getting through the tougher parts of property division and child care. Quite often parties are ordered to mediation by the court to resolve parenting issues or to work out a division of assets and debts. If divorce mediation in Wisconsin is something you would like to know more about, read on for our list of five things to know about divorce mediation in Wisconsin.
In this article we discuss the process of divorce mediation in Wisconsin. We address common questions such as: What Is Divorce Mediation in Wisconsin?, Is Mediation Right For Me?, Is Divorce Mediation Legally Binding In Wisconsin?, Should I Get A Lawyer For Divorce Mediation In Wisconsin?, and What Does Divorce Mediation Cost In Wisconsin?
In this article, we will discuss the top five questions typically asked about Wisconsin Marital Settlement Agreements such as: What is a Wisconsin Marital Settlement Agreement?, Do I have to sign a Marital Settlement Agreement, What should be included in a Wisconsin Marital Settlement Agreement?, What should be included in a Wisconsin Marital Settlement Agreement?, What if one party does not adhere to the Marital Settlement Agreement?, and What if I change my mind after I sign the Marital Settlement Agreement?
This article will attempt to answer the following questions: How long does alimony last in Wisconsin?, Can you stop alimony payments in Wisconsin?, Does spousal support last forever in Wisconsin?, and by the end of this article you should understand what alimony is for and how it may be modified.
If you have already obtained a dissolution of marriage, or divorce, in Wisconsin and were ordered to pay alimony, you may wonder how to change that once certain circumstances arise. In this article, we discuss how to modify alimony, or spousal support, in Wisconsin, including: Which spouse can seek modification of alimony in Wisconsin?, Under what circumstances can I modify alimony in Wisconsin?, How to request a modification of alimony in Wisconsin, and How can I increase alimony in Wisconsin?
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